2016 Analyst of the Year
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Congratulations to the 2016 RMWQAA Analyst of the Year….
Tim started his career at an early age with at the City of Loveland. He worked in the Parks & Rec Department through high school and college. Once he was a senior at CSU, he became an intern in the Water Quality (WQ) Lab. After graduation he was quickly hired on as a WQ Specialist.
Soon Tim was promoted to WQ Analyst, where he has become an essential member of the WQ Lab at the City of Loveland. As other cities can relate to, Loveland’s WQ Lab is understaffed and over-worked and the six full and part time Analysts and Specialists handle both drinking water (WTP) and wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) laboratory duties. The proficiency of the lab was quickly recognized by other divisions within City of Loveland, resulting in more and more requests for their time for testing, training, distribution system and plant instrumentation maintenance/calibration, outreach programs and never ending special projects.
Along with Tim’s “not so normal” full plate of duties, he never hesitates to take on additional work and projects. Tim is now on the Board of Directors for the Big Thompson Watershed Forum (BTWF) helping lead the Forum and the Big Thompson Watershed into the future. One challenge that Tim took on was to design, set up and coordinate the creation of an early warning system for potential flooding or other natural disasters in the Big Thompson River Watershed above the Loveland WTP. This system is comprised of field instrumentation that will constantly monitor and disseminate information such as turbidity, conductivity, temperature, rainfall, etc. These data, along with alarm levels, can provide the WTP with a heads-up when there is a potential issue in the watershed, such as flood, fire, mud slide or other issues that demand a quick response from the WTP personnel. Tim’s initial station was destroyed in the flood of 2013. Tim completely overhauled the monitoring system at the site, resulting in improved quality of data.
In addition to this on-going river project and daily routines and testing at both the WTP and WWTP, Tim manages the City of Loveland source water monitoring program, the auto-analyzer program, algae and Taste and Odor mitigation and he updates and manages the laboratory’s information system. Most cities have numerous employees that handle all of the duties managed solely by Tim at the City of Loveland. Tim is an excellent employee and co-worker. He is mature beyond his years and has many qualities that take years to acquire. Tim is a great asset to the City of Loveland WQ Laboratory. Congratulations Tim on the well-deserved award and thanks to Ruth Hecker who nominated Tim.