2012 Analyst of the Year
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2012 Analyst of the Year
Ginger Wynne
City of Fort Collins Water Pollution Control Laboratory
Stephen Ellis presenting Ginger Wynne with her trophies.
Ginger Wynne is a Chemist at the Ft. Collins Water Pollution Control Laboratory. She has been with the City for 21 years and has been an active member of RMWQAA for most of those years.
Ginger performs a variety of analyses for the lab, from low level mercury by EPA Method 1631 to microscopic examination for process control. She also serves as the inventory/ordering expert and is involved with sustainability efforts.
For the past year, Ginger has spent countless hours troubleshooting low level mercury instrumentation and methodology. She has provided valuable information to instrument industry leaders that have improved their ability to meet not only her expectations as well as other client's expectations. Ginger also provides low level mercury analytical services and expertise to other government and private lab entities. Ginger's dedication to the troubleshooting process and pursuit of "perfection" has significantly improved the City of Fort Collin's ability to meet regulatory requirements, as well as customers/projects expectations.
Congratulations Ginger! We are honored to have you as a member of RMWQAA.